
Feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about accommodation. We are very happy that you chose us, and we will answer all your questions.

How can we help you today?

Do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions about accommodation – we would love to have you stay with us. Simply fill in all your personal details, and let us get in touch with you. Usually, our support team responds within one business day, so you don’t have to wait. Or call us directly by phone.

Email Address

Online Booking

We keep no secrets between us or with our customers and are always open to you.


Team-building has become a very important part of our friendly and dynamic team routine.


Our team constantly improves its skills by attending various seminars.

1 Team

The entire team meets every week to discuss various topics that occurred during the week.


We also seek modern and updated solutions for various routine problems.


All our products are thoroughly tested according to high-quality standards.
