The Country and Its People


The gender distribution in the national territory is 50.3% men and 49.7% women.

The age structure of the population shows that 28.2% of the population is under 15 years old, 64.7% are between 15 and 64 years old, and just over 7.1% are 65 years or older.

The average annual population growth rate in Paraguay for 2022 is 1.36% and will experience a slight decrease throughout the period. In 2024, it is expected to be 1.33% annually.

Today, the urban population (63.3%) is larger than the rural population (36.7%), and projections indicate that it will continue to increase. The average number of children per woman in 2022 is 2.4 and will decrease to 2.3 in 2024.

Life expectancy at birth in 2022 is 75.1 years; for women, it is 78.1 years, and for men, it is 72.1 years. In 2022, half of the population is older than 27 years. In 2024, half of the population will be older than 28 years.

The Central Department is the most populated in the country, and together with the population of Asunción, it accounts for 37.7% of the total population, that is, 2,807,111 inhabitants.

Paraguay, officially the Republic of Paraguay  (in Guaraní: Paraguái Tavakuairetã)  , is a landlocked country located in the central region of South America. It is organized as a unitary state, with its territory comprising one capital district and 17 departments. Its capital and most populous city is Asunción. Paraguay’s form of government is a republic governed by the presidential system and organized as a democratic, secular state governed by the rule of law. It is a founding member of Mercosur, along with Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

It has an area of 406,752 km², making it the 7th largest country in South America by size.


The Köppen climate classification divides Paraguay into three main climate types: humid subtropical climate, predominant in the southern part of the Eastern Region; tropical savanna climate, predominant in the Chaco (Western Region) and the northern part of the Eastern Region; and hot semi-arid climate, in the northwest of the Chaco (Boquerón Department).

The annual average temperature ranges between 20°C and 25°C across the country, increasing from south to north. Precipitation varies by region. For example: In the southeast of Paraguay, precipitation is abundant year-round (>1700 mm/annually). In the central-north region of the Eastern Region and the tropical Chaco, precipitation drops significantly during the winter season (1300 mm annually). In the semi-arid region of the Chaco, precipitation is almost nonexistent in winter (<800 mm annually). Generally, summer brings the highest rainfall of the year.

Extreme maximum temperatures in summer can exceed 40°C (record: 45°C in 2014), and winter minimum temperatures can drop below 0°C (record: -7.5°C in 2000). The seasons are not well-defined due to the prevailing heat throughout much of the year and proximity to the Tropic of Capricorn. The temperature difference between the warmest and coldest months is approximately 10°C.


100% of the electricity consumed in Paraguay is generated through hydroelectric power, making it one of the countries with the cleanest energy in the world. The country has an installed electric capacity of 8110 MW, producing 63,000,000,000 kWh annually (as of 2016), while internal consumption is only 15,000,000,000 kWh annually. The surplus is sold to Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, making Paraguay the world’s largest exporter of electricity.

The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) oversees the entire electricity market, including generation, distribution, and transmission. It operates 2,100 miles of transmission lines and 670 miles of distribution lines. More than 92% of the country has electricity coverage.

Electrical appliances operate on 200 volts at 50 Hertz.


Spanish and Guaraní




Catholicism (90%)


