Discovering Paraguay


The Paraguayan flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width: red, white, and blue. However, it is very different from other flags. The front and back sides are different. The front side displays the emblem of the Ministry of Finance, a lion sitting in front of a brown pole with a red Phrygian cap, above which is the inscription “Peace and Justice.” The reverse side of the flag shows the national coat of arms with a pentagonal star surrounded by a palm and an olive branch, both joined at the bottom on one side. Above, the inscription “Republic of Paraguay” extends in a circular form.


Addresses are indicated in a somewhat particular way. House numbers are often omitted, with neighboring streets indicated by “c” (near), “e” (between), or “esq” (corner). For example, Av. España C/ Sacramento means that the destination is on España Street near Sacramento Street.


For shopping, payments can be made in cash and/or with credit or debit cards.

If you have foreign currency, it can be exchanged for local currency at exchange houses or banks, many of which are located in major shopping malls.

It is not advisable to exchange money with street dealers.

In larger cities, cash can be obtained from ATMs.

In Asunción, some large shopping centers accept US dollars as a form of payment.

In the larger towns in the countryside, supermarkets operate with cooperatives. In other places, there are small markets and grocery stores (despensas) that cover basic needs.

The Country and Its People


The gender distribution in the national territory is 50.3% men and 49.7% women.

The age structure of the population shows that 28.2% of the population is under 15 years old, 64.7% are between 15 and 64 years old, and just over 7.1% are 65 years or older.

The average annual population growth rate in Paraguay for 2022 is 1.36% and will experience a slight decrease throughout the period. In 2024, it is expected to be 1.33% annually.

Today, the urban population (63.3%) is larger than the rural population (36.7%), and projections indicate that it will continue to increase. The average number of children per woman in 2022 is 2.4 and will decrease to 2.3 in 2024.

Life expectancy at birth in 2022 is 75.1 years; for women, it is 78.1 years, and for men, it is 72.1 years. In 2022, half of the population is older than 27 years. In 2024, half of the population will be older than 28 years.

The Central Department is the most populated in the country, and together with the population of Asunción, it accounts for 37.7% of the total population, that is, 2,807,111 inhabitants.

Paraguay, officially the Republic of Paraguay  (in Guaraní: Paraguái Tavakuairetã)  , is a landlocked country located in the central region of South America. It is organized as a unitary state, with its territory comprising one capital district and 17 departments. Its capital and most populous city is Asunción. Paraguay’s form of government is a republic governed by the presidential system and organized as a democratic, secular state governed by the rule of law. It is a founding member of Mercosur, along with Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

It has an area of 406,752 km², making it the 7th largest country in South America by size.


The Köppen climate classification divides Paraguay into three main climate types: humid subtropical climate, predominant in the southern part of the Eastern Region; tropical savanna climate, predominant in the Chaco (Western Region) and the northern part of the Eastern Region; and hot semi-arid climate, in the northwest of the Chaco (Boquerón Department).

The annual average temperature ranges between 20°C and 25°C across the country, increasing from south to north. Precipitation varies by region. For example: In the southeast of Paraguay, precipitation is abundant year-round (>1700 mm/annually). In the central-north region of the Eastern Region and the tropical Chaco, precipitation drops significantly during the winter season (1300 mm annually). In the semi-arid region of the Chaco, precipitation is almost nonexistent in winter (<800 mm annually). Generally, summer brings the highest rainfall of the year.

Extreme maximum temperatures in summer can exceed 40°C (record: 45°C in 2014), and winter minimum temperatures can drop below 0°C (record: -7.5°C in 2000). The seasons are not well-defined due to the prevailing heat throughout much of the year and proximity to the Tropic of Capricorn. The temperature difference between the warmest and coldest months is approximately 10°C.


100% of the electricity consumed in Paraguay is generated through hydroelectric power, making it one of the countries with the cleanest energy in the world. The country has an installed electric capacity of 8110 MW, producing 63,000,000,000 kWh annually (as of 2016), while internal consumption is only 15,000,000,000 kWh annually. The surplus is sold to Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, making Paraguay the world’s largest exporter of electricity.

The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) oversees the entire electricity market, including generation, distribution, and transmission. It operates 2,100 miles of transmission lines and 670 miles of distribution lines. More than 92% of the country has electricity coverage.

Electrical appliances operate on 200 volts at 50 Hertz.


Spanish and Guaraní




Catholicism (90%)



Your Other Home

 Westfalenhaus has been one of Asunción's traditional houses since 1987. Moderate elegance and discreet comfort characterize the style of the house.

Just a few minutes' drive from the airport, the old town, and the new shopping centers, the hotel is located in a quiet yet central area of Asunción.

The rooms are tastefully and comfortably furnished, with great attention to detail.

A conveniently equipped room with a barrier-free bathroom is available for people with reduced mobility.

To start the day, our rich breakfast buffet awaits you.

If you feel like enjoying wellness activities after a busy day, take a refreshing dip in our pool, visit the sauna, or use the fitness room equipment. For ultimate relaxation, we offer a soothing massage with our well-known Josefina.

Additionally, the rustic-style Piroschka Restaurant awaits you with a rich menu. Here you will be pampered with a wide selection of international, German, and Russian dishes. One of our most popular dishes is, for example, a steak of at least 350g, served with a baked potato. If you prefer fish, we recommend our salmon fillet on a bed of ginger and vegetables. The restaurant service is also available for your social events.

For events such as business breakfasts, meetings, conferences, or celebrations, we are also well equipped. Several conference rooms of different sizes are available, well furnished with the most modern equipment.

Transportation Options


Those traveling on the busiest street, especially where public transportation operates, have the right of way. Stop signs and obstacles designed to reduce speed, known as speed bumps, warn of dangerous crossings or curves. It is mandatory to use low beams on highways, where tolls must also be paid.

TIP:  If you do not speak fluent Spanish and are driving a rental vehicle, you should avoid traffic fines due to frequent police checks by always carrying the following: a driver’s license and passport, an emergency triangle, spare wheel, tools, flashlight, and fire extinguisher.

Rental Vehicles  At the hotel, we work with companies offering this service, so we can assist you with this. Numerous gas stations ensure fuel supply, except in the most remote parts of the Chaco.

Transport Apps As long as you have a data plan or Wi-Fi signal on your phone, you can use your preferred transport platform. Uber, Muv, and Bolt all operate in the country.

Taxis Taxis are available at stops located within and around cities and can also be ordered by phone. If the vehicle does not have a taximeter, it is advisable to negotiate the price before the trip. The hotel reception can assist you with taxi services within the city.

Public buses , known as colectivos, run almost constantly within and between towns. They stop when someone signals with their hand; official stops only exist in urban centers. You can find a guide to these buses on the JAHA and MAS apps, available for Android and iPhones.

However, the simplest and safest method is to ask, even the driver. Do so before getting on the bus, as the same route often has multiple variations.

Intercity Buses provide an economical alternative to rental cars and flights. These buses operate throughout Paraguay, travel to neighboring countries, and even beyond. They range from modern and comfortable to more basic, depending on the fare. Tickets are sold at the Asunción Bus Terminal. Buses usually depart from this terminal, although in some cases, passengers can board along the route. For more information, visit:

Domestic and International Flights are currently offered by local and international airlines. The hotel reception can assist you with up-to-date information, as it frequently changes.

For more information, visit:

River traffic operates at a fairly limited level, but there are options in all price categories. For more information, visit:

Paraguay and Its Culture

The inhabitants of Paraguay are a multicultural people. Aside from the mestizos, who emerged primarily from unions between indigenous Guaraní women and Spanish immigrants and who represent the largest percentage of the population, Paraguay is home to indigenous people, many Europeans, Asians, and other South American inhabitants such as Argentinians, Uruguayans, and Brazilians, as well as Mennonites who originally emigrated from Germany, Canada, and Russia.

Therefore, in some parts of the countryside, there are diverse colonies where the cultures of their respective countries of origin are partially preserved.

Family life and personal freedom are very important. The pace of life is predominantly peaceful, especially in the countryside far from the big cities, where human relationships always take center stage. This is how Paraguayans are: friendly, polite, and helpful.

Paraguayans always have time for a chat and to enjoy a refreshing tereré in the summer or a hot mate in the winter.

The musical taste of young people leans towards global trends. Otherwise, Paraguayans prefer their traditional music such as the Polka, Guarania, or the famous Cachaca. Each of these musical styles is accompanied by its corresponding traditional dance.

When it comes to food, highlights include the traditional asado (barbecue) and typical dishes such as chipa (made from corn flour), sopa paraguaya (also made with corn flour), soyo (a meat and vegetable soup), and mbejú (made from cassava flour), among others.

The traditional drink is tereré, made from yerba mate, which is served cold and accompanied by various herbs or refreshing remedies depending on the drinker’s needs.

Many religious groups have chosen Paraguay due to its freedom of religion. Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, have built temples throughout the country.

There are thousands of Mennonites living in about 20 colonies, the most well-known of which are located in the Chaco. Most of them speak a dialect derived from the German language.

Tips for Immigrants


For stays of up to 90 days, citizens of the European Union must present a valid passport, the international entry card provided by the airline before landing, as well as the form with the sworn declaration stating that the passenger will not bring plants, food of animal origin, or currency exceeding 10,000 USD or its equivalent in other currencies into the country.

In general, it is sufficient to have a child under 18 registered in one of the parent’s passports. In any case, the passport must remain valid for the entire duration of the stay.

Travelers entering the country by land through the border crossings of Ciudad del Este (Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil) in the east, Encarnación-Posadas (Argentina) in the south, and Puerto Falcón (Argentina), the access route to Asunción in the west, must ensure they obtain an entry stamp in their passport from the Paraguayan immigration service. Otherwise, they will have to pay a fine if their identity is checked on one of the intercity routes and/or when leaving the country.

The extension of the stay must be requested before the expiration of the mentioned 90-day period at the Dirección General de Migraciones, located at Caballero No. 201 corner Eligio Ayala. Another extension for 90 days can also be obtained by exiting and re-entering the country.

Customs regulations are similar to those of other countries. Personal items such as camcorders, cameras, etc., are duty-free. Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are more affordable when purchased at local supermarkets than in the duty-free shops of international airports.

Travelers arriving from a country with endemic yellow fever zones must present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate upon entering the country.

For stays in Paraguay, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends the following vaccines: yellow fever, tetanus, diphtheria, possibly whooping cough (pertussis), and hepatitis A. For stays longer than 4 weeks, hepatitis B, rabies, and typhoid are also recommended.


Los Viajes por Paraguay

Los viajes por Paraguay siempre son emprendimientos llenos de aventuras y al mismo tiempo económicos, siempre y cuando se escojan como medio de transporte los autobuses interurbanos.

Claro que es más cómodo y rápido un vehículo que, dependiendo de la región , debería ser para todo terreno.

Si bien Paraguay ya cuenta con buenas rutas asfaltadas que van hacia todas las direcciones, los ramales apartados de éstas rutas principales pueden resultar realmente arriesgados.

Sea cual sea la región del país que usted visite, inclusive en el más recóndito lugar, siempre se encontrará con personas amables, hospitalarias y sobre todo dispuestas a ayudar, a quienes podrá preguntar por el camino correcto cuando haya perdido la orientación.

Uno de los momentos culminantes de cada viaje al Paraguay es, sin duda, la visita a una estancia, vivir de cerca cómo los animales son arreados, criados etc.

Por las noches, el estar sentado alrededor de la hoguera, observando el claro cielo estrellado del hemisferio sur, escuchando el canto de las innumerables aves al anochecer, son experiencias inolvidables.

Como excursión de varios días, en todos los casos debería ser incluida la visita a las ciudades  fronterizas de Ciudad del Este o Foz de Iguazú, con la visita a la planta hidroeléctrica de itaipú, y un paseo por las cataratas que se cuentan entre las más grandes del mundo. Las cataratas pueden ser apreciadas desde el lado brasileño o el argentino – triple frontera.

Se recomiendan excursiones cortas, viajes de un día, o día y medio, hacia el cercano Lago de Ypacarai, en cuyo trayecto es posible adquirir bellas piezas de alfarería o pinturas de artistas latinoamericanos a precios muy accesibles en la ciudad de Areguá. Desde allí se puede llegar finalmente a la villa veraniega de San Bernardino, fundada por colonos alemanes que durante la temporada de las vacaciones de verano, entre diciembre y marzo, se caracteriza por su ambiente muy animado y donde se pueden encontrar comidas típicas alemanas. 

En el camino de regreso a Asunción, se pasa por la ciudad de Itaguá, lugar de elaboración de artesanías, trabajos de hilados de hamacas y otros trabajos que pueden ser adquiridos a modo de souvenir.
